Thursday, July 1, 2010


Sometimes what you learn and what you know cannot really help you. I know hypnosis, I know what a successful person should have and should be. But I can't help myself even though I know such valueable and powerful tools.When I want to apply self-hypnosis to help and boost myself, I don't know where I need to start. I don't know where I can start.

Self-acceptance? Self-esteem? Health? Self-control? Root-cause? Brain power? Bad habit? or any other root cause that I don't know? I don't know where to start and how to start. Where to get the discipline to start? Where to get the motivation to start?

Man cannot stand alone. Man cannot live more success alone. Man cannot achieve highest well-being alone. I need a mentor, I need to guider that guide me according to what I want. I hope I can have a "client-centred coach" to monitor and help me to make me success and achieve my well-being!!

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